mommy: gracie, lillie has a cold and she is not feeling well..she needs to rest, so let her alone for awhile.
gracie: mommy, if you have a cold does it mean that you are sick?
mommy: yes, dear it does. so let lillie rest for awhile.
gracie: so...mommy if you have a hot does it mean that you are well?
mommy: well, i guess so, sure...since hot is the opposite of cold.
gracie: so...mommy, am i hot, because i'm not sick?
This is just one of my favorite things...conversations with my girls. They are always making me laugh and think about things upside down. They inspire me daily and challenge me to think outside the box.
Do you homeschool your girls? I homeschool my 13-year-old daughter and 16-year-old son. :)