My own three lil' women are my inspiration for everything I do. I could write a book from all the funny things they say and do. They crack me up all the time.
I love handmade, fair trade, slow food, lots of music, picnics, homeschooling, sewing, and riding bikes with my girls. Spending time with my family is my favorite thing to do, and when we get a chance, I love to ride the chopper with my amazing husband. He inspires me and loves me just the way I am. I love being married to him.
I am passionate about helping end modern day slavery and standing for justice where there is injustice.
I am passionate about helping end modern day slavery and standing for justice where there is injustice.
Jesus is the lover of my soul and I want to be like him when I grow up. I strive to be his hands and feet, and where he goes..I want to go. My life is so fulfilled in Him.
A poor man's field may produce abundant food, but injustice sweeps it away. Proverbs 13:23
Unfortunately, the poor are often victims of an unjust society and we should do what we can help fight injustice in the world. It may seem at times that we aren't doing enough to help change anything, but doing something is better than nothing, and just remember that one day all the scales will be balanced and all the wrongs will be made right. God's justice will prevail!