The other day we were at the beach and the Lord prompted me to pray for a man. We had drove really far away from all the other people on the beach so we were quite secluded. I didn't know him and I really didn't want to. I was afraid of rejection, and plus we were all sunburned and tired and ready to head home, I wanted to be selfish. Besides what could I say to him, I couldn't think of anything that wasn't cliche-ish (Is that word?")
Do we ever get over it? Worrying about what other people think? I wish I could say that I have arrived and I am no longer bothered by what people think about me or what they might say if I do this or that. I would be lying if I said, I don't care what anyone else thinks about me, I only care what God thinks. I guess it will always be a temptation to worry about men's approval. When Holy Spirit speaks to me clearly and tells me to go and encourage someone and the temptation to not do it invades my mind, I try to remember that God is interested in my obedience and seeing my character grow and my faith increase. Yes of course he wants me to tell that person about Him, but if not me He will use someone else.
I want to be that ship He chooses to sail on. I want to be His hands and feet. I am learning to take very seriously the Lord's promptings in my life concerning others. I could have been that man that drove all the way from Austin to come to the place I had buried my child's ashes. To fish and quietly reflect on the death of my precious child. I remember walking toward him and telling James I didn't have a clue what to say and I was scared. I remember just recently reading something about obeying God and then trusting Him to come through for us. Do you remember that old song "Trust and Obey for there's no other way....." I wonder if we should say Obey first and thennnnn Trust! Only then can we realize God's goodness and faithfulness. We must Obey his promptings. As we stood in front of the man sitting in his chair fishing, God showed up just like He always does..God knew this man's needs and question's. He knew he needed encouragement. The funny thing is, my faith went up a couple of notches and I too was encouraged by this man. As he threw his cigarette to the ground he asked if we could pray together. As we held hands, I felt the presence of the Lord in that place..we were where God was. We were with Him on the beach.